

人間は,知らない物体を見たとき,それが何かわからなくても何らかの物体であると認識できますが,ロボットは物体検出器が学習した物体しか検出できず,他の物体との関係も推定できません.未知の物体の検出に加え,その周囲にある物体との関係まで含めて認識する手法について研究しています.また,物体だけでなく,行動など様々な未知事象に関する認識研究に取り組んでいます.(この研究は日本学術振興会 科研費 基盤B 「拡張時空間シーングラフによる未知物体を含むシーン認識・記述基盤の構築」,科研費 基盤A 「能動的Open-world認識による知識拡張・環境認識基盤の構築」の支援を受けています.)


  • T. T. Nguyen et al., One-stage open-vocabulary temporal action detection leveraging temporal multi-scale and action label features, FG2024.
  • T. T. Nguyen et al., Zero-Shot Pill-Prescription Matching With Graph Convolutional Network and Contrastive Learning, IEEE Access, 2024.
  • I. Phueaksri et al., Image-Collection Summarization using Scene-Graph Generation with External Knowledge, IEEE Access, 2024.
  • I. Phueaksri et al., An Approach to Generate a Caption for an Image Collection using Scene Graph Generation, IEEE Access, 2023.
  • 薗頭ら,Open-setシーングラフ生成のための物体間の関係を考慮した未知物体検出, MIRU2023.
  • M. Sonogashira & Y. Kawanishi, Towards Open-Set Scene Graph Generation with Unknown Objects, IEEE Access, 2022.





  • V. John and Y. Kawanishi, Progressive Learning of a Multimodal Classifier Accounting for Different Modality Combinationsi, Sensors, 2023.
  • V. John and Y. Kawanishi, A Multimodal Sensor Fusion Framework Robust to Missing Modalities for Person Recognition, arxiv:2210.10972, 2022.
  • V. John and Y. Kawanishi, Combining Knowledge Distillation and Transfer Learning for Sensor Fusion in Visible and Thermal Camera-based Person Classification, MVA2023.
  • V. John and Y. Kawanishi, Multimodal Cascaded Framework with Metric Learning Robust to Missing Modalities for Person Classification, ACM MMSys', 2023.
  • V. John and Y. Kawanishi, Audio-Visual Sensor Fusion Framework using Person Attributes Robust to Missing Visual Modality for Person Recognition, MMM2023.
  • V. John and Y. Kawanishi, A Multimodal Sensor Fusion Framework Robust to Missing Modalities for Person Recognition, ACM MM Asia 2022.
  • V. John and Y. Kawanishi, Audio and Video-Based Emotion Recognition Using Multimodal Transformers, ICPR2022.





  • S. Iwata et al., LFIR2Pose: Pose Estimation from an Extremely Low-Resolution FIR Image Sequence, ICPR2020.
  • Y. Kawanishi et al., Voting-based Hand-Waving Gesture Spotting from a Low-Resolution Far-Infrared Image Sequence, VCIP2018.
  • T. Kawashima et al., Action Recognition from Extremely Low-Resolution Thermal Image Sequence, AVSS2017.





  • H. Tatemichi et al., Category-level Object Pose Estimation in Heavily Cluttered Scenes by Generalized Two-stage Shape Reconstructor, IEEE Access, 2024.
  • N. M. Z. Hashim et al., Best Next-Viewpoint Recommendation by Selecting Minimum Pose Ambiguity for Category-level Object Pose Estimation, JSPE, 2021.
  • H. Tatemichi et al., Median-Shape Representation Learning for Category-Level Object Pose Estimation in Cluttered Environments, ICPR2020.
  • H. Ninomiya et al., Deep Manifold Embedding for 3D Object Pose Estimation, VISAPP2017.





  • 武田ら, 観衆の顔向きの時空間統合による注目対象の位置及び被注目度の推定, 電子情報通信学会論文誌A, 2023.
  • Y. Kodama et al., Localizing the Gaze Target of a Crowd of People, ACCV2018 Workshop.





  • M. Mizuno et al., Subjective Baggage-Weight Estimation based on Human Walking Behavior, IEEE Access, 2024.
  • M. Mizuno et al., Subjective Baggage-Weight Estimation from Gait ---Can you estimate how heavy the person feels?---, VISAPP2023.
  • T. Fujita, Future Pose Prediction from 3D Human Skeleton Sequence with Surrounding Situation, Sensors, 2023.
  • T. Fujita et al., Human Pose Prediction by Progressive Generation in Multi-scale Frequency Domain, MVA2023.
  • T. Fujita et al., Toward Surroundings-aware Temporal Prediction of 3D Human Skeleton Sequence, ICPR2022 Workshop (T-CAP).
  • 藤田ら, 人物周辺情報を活用した3次元骨格の時系列予測, MIRU2022.
  • 水野ら, 歩容からの身体特徴と動作特徴の分離による手荷物の物理的・主観的重さ推定, MIRU2022.
  • 水野ら, 個人差を考慮した歩き方からの手荷物の重さ推定の検討, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告(PRMU), PRMU2021-56, 2021/12/17
  • N. Nishida et al., SOANets: Encoder-Decoder based Skeleton Orientation Alignment Network for White Cane User Recognition from 2D Human Skeleton Sequence, VISAPP2020.
  • O. Temuroglu et al, Occlusion-Aware Skeleton Trajectory Representation for Abnormal Behavior Detection, IW-FCV2020.





  • Y. Kawanishi, Label-Based Multiple Object Ensemble Tracking with Randomized Frame Dropping, ICPR2022.
  • Y. Kawanishi et al., Trajectory Ensemble: Multiple Persons Consensus Tracking across Non-overlapping Multiple Cameras over Randomly Dropped Camera Networks, CVPR2017 Workshop.





  • Y. Kawae, et al., 3D Survey of the Menkaure Pyramid, Virtual Annual Meeting, American Research Center in Egypt, 2024.
  • Y. Shimajiri et al., Predicting reliable H2 column density maps from molecular line data using machine learning, MNRAS, 2023.
  • S. Fujita et al., Distance determination of molecular clouds in the first quadrant of the Galactic plane using deep learning, Protostars and Planets VII, 2023.
  • S. Fujita et al., Distance determination of molecular clouds in the first quadrant of the Galactic plane using deep learning: I. Method and results, ASJ, 2023.
  • S. Nishimoto et al., Development of a high-speed identification model for infrared-ring structures using deep learningi, SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2022.
  • 堀ら, 埋蔵文化財保護行政における3Dデータ活用 ―機械学習を活用した須恵器杯蓋の産地同定手法―, 情報文化学会誌, 2022.
  • 野原ら, 3Dデータを活用した埋蔵文化財業務の効率化 ~実測図自動作成手法の提案~, 社会情報学会中部支部・研究発表論文集, 2021.
  • 井上ら, 人工知能による機械学習を用いた須恵器資料の断面形状分析
    日本情報考古学会第43回講演論文集, 2020.
  • S. Ueda et al., Identification of infrared-ring structures by convolutional neural network, SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2020